• QUORUM God's Hope Charity Ministry...

    ...is a Community Based Organization founded on the pillars of love, hope and desire for change. It works to address the needs and aspirations of the under prevailed using holistic approach reduction.

    Read more: QUORUM

  • To establish a strong spiritual foundation...

    ...which is economically supported by noble investors for the future of Orphans with no limit so as to attain healing of their emotional wounds, build their confidence and create space and opportunities...

    Read more:  VISION


    The organization is engaged in the following activities;  Empower the care givers of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC’s).  To save orphans from frustrational conditions or engagements and all sorts of risks to their life. 

    Read more: STRATEGIC

Donation module

General needs like rent, food, medical support, maybe Christmas gifts
$41.00 Raised: $10,000.00 Goal:

Random Picture from God's Hope Children's Center Clients

Greetings! - the status report: donation component on the God's Hope Children's Center's website is now ready, functional and furthermore lists the received donations puplically without providing any sensible data from the donators to the audience...

An optional comment function has been added to each donation process being displayed at "received donations" if the donator decides to add a comment (which is not mandatory)

Further thoughts:

To additionally install a survey component with the concret goal to collect data from the visitors about a potential increasement of their readiness to donate, if a weekly or monthly report on the website about...

  • ...the specific donation usages...
  • ...referring to the well-being of the Orphans...
  • ...progresses in vaganization...
  • ...progresses in achieving self-sufficiency or support by government / other charitable organizations / fonds...
  • ...progresses at the ministrie's infrastructure...
  • ...summary of the weekly spiritual Christian celebritie's contents...

...will be realized by us! People won't donate to a swamp where their money is sinking in murky waters according to their primary supposition they have as critical world citizens, if we do not let them any other choice by the less transparency we provide...